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Martin Bailes

Tell us about your family

Wife and two children. Maike, Reece and Lily.

How long have you been part of the St Nicholas Family?

Seven years.

Where do you work?

Bosal Afrika.

What is your position?

Branch manager.

What do you do?

Manage a branch and run a plant.

How long have you been doing the same work?

Eight years.

Where do you see God's grace in your work?

Everyday. I am not capable of handling certain aspects and often feel undeserved of what I have.

How do you witness in the work life?

I have done, and try to by the way I treat people and how I manage them, as well as what I do.

Do you differentiate between church and work life?

No, but I can do more at work.

What skills and experience do you have to offer the St Nicholas family?

Leadership, I have a gift of speaking and dealing with people so can motivate and inspire on occasions.

What do you do when you are not working?

Spend time with family, fish, surf.

What are your contact details?

Cell: 074 0409000


Who Am I?

We believe God has designed work so that we do it together with Him and consequently we try to ensure that each of the messages preached from the platform has a worklife application.

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